Barbara Petracci
Università di Bologna -
Professoressa Associata di Finanza Aziendale
È Professoressa Associata di Finanza Aziendale presso l’Università di Bologna. Insegna Finanza Aziendale e Finanza Sostenibile. È coordinatore della Laurea Magistrale in Management dell’Economia Sociale. Ha ottenuto il Dottorato in Finanza Aziendale presso l’Università di Trieste ed è stata visiting student presso l’Università di Strathclyde (Glasgow). I suoi interessi di ricerca sono: corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, efficienza dei mercati, finanza sostenibile e finanza islamica. Ha pubblicato articoli nelle seguenti riviste: Business Strategy and the Environment, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Journal of Business Ethics e Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. È stata membro del Comitato Scientifico della Seconda Conferenza in “Sustainable and Socially Responsible Finance” (Imola) – Novembre 2023. È Associate Editor della rivista Humanities & Social Sciences Communications.
- Corporate governance
- Corporate social responsibility
- Finanza sostenibile
- Finanza islamica
- F. Dahbi, I. Carrasco Monteguado and B. Petracci (2024). A bibliometric analysis of sustainable finance in Contemporary issues in sustainable finance – Banks, instruments, and the role of women, Edited by La Torre M. and Sabrina Leo. Publisher: Palgrave MacMillan. A Bibliometric Analysis of Sustainable Finance | SpringerLink
- C. Helliar, B. Petracci e N. Tantisantiwong (2022). Comparing SRI funds to conventional funds using a PCA methodology, Journal of Asset Management, 23, 581-595. Publisher: Springer. SJR2022: 0.482. Pubblicato in Open Access. Comparing SRI funds to conventional funds using a PCA methodology | Journal of Asset Management (
- A. Monti, P. Pattitoni, B. Petracci e O. Randl (2022). Does Corporate Social Responsibility Impact Equity Risk? International Evidence, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 59 (3), 825-855. Publisher: Springer. SJR2022: 0.553. Does corporate social responsibility impact equity risk? International evidence | Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (
- L. Di Simone, B. Petracci e M.C. Piva (2022). Economic Sustainability, Innovation, and the ESG Factors: An Empirical Investigation, Sustainability, 14 (4), 2270-2285. Publisher: MDPI. ISI Impact Factor 2022: 3.251. SJR2022: 0.664. Pubblicato in Open Access. Sustainability | Free Full-Text | Economic Sustainability, Innovation, and the ESG Factors: An Empirical Investigation (
- K. Desender, M. LopezPuertas-Lamy, P. Pattitoni e B. Petracci (2020). Corporate Social Responsibility and Cost of Financing – the importance of the International Corporate Governance system, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 28 (3), 207-234. Publisher: Wiley. ISI Impact Factor 2018: 3.39. SJR2022: 1.219. Runner-up of Corporate Governance: an International Review (CGIR) Best Paper Award 2020. Top Downloaded Paper nei primi dodici mesi per CGIR (16 Giugno 2022). Corporate social responsibility and cost of financing—The importance of the international corporate governance system – Desender – 2020 – Corporate Governance: An International Review – Wiley Online Library
- K. Kyaw, M. Olugbode e B. Petracci (2017). Can Board Gender Diversity Promote Corporate Social Performance?, Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 17 (2), 789-802. Publisher: Emerald. SJR2022: 1.349 Can board gender diversity promote corporate social performance? | Emerald Insight
- K. Kyaw, M. Olugbode e B. Petracci (2017). The role of the institutional framework in the relationship between earnings management and corporate social performance, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 24 (6), 543-554. Publisher: Wiley. ISI Impact Factor 2015: 2.647. SJR2022: 2.134. The Role of the Institutional Framework in the Relationship between Earnings Management and Corporate Social Performance – Kyaw – 2017 – Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management – Wiley Online Library
- K. Kyaw, M. Olugbode e B. Petracci (2015). Does gender diverse board mean less earnings management?, Finance Research Letters, 14, 135-141. Publisher: Elsevier. ISI Impact Factor 2014: 0.646. SJR2022: 2.231. Does gender diverse board mean less earnings management? – ScienceDirect
- B. Petracci e H.G. Rammal (2014). Developing the Islamic financial services sector in Italy: an institutional theory perspective, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 19 (3), 108-207. Publisher: Palgrave. SJR2022: 0.457. Capitolo di libro in Harrison, T., & Ibrahim, E. B. (Eds.). (2016). Islamic finance: Principles, performance and prospects. Springer. Developing the Islamic Financial Services sector in Italy: An institutional theory perspective | Journal of Financial Services Marketing (