Sustainability in the Italian insurance industry – 3rd edition
Insurance companies are key players in the financial landscape, with distinctive characteristics that make them unique and particularly relevant in terms of ESG policies. This is largely due to their dual role as institutional investors on one side, and providers of insurance products and services on the other side.
In this context, starting from 2022, the Italian Sustainable Investment Forum (ItaSIF), together with the Italian Insurance Association (ANIA), launched a survey on the Italian insurance industry, with the aim of analysing how sustainability aspects are included in governance, investment policies, and underwriting policies.
The third edition of the study follows the previous ones, sharing its data collection methodology and the questionnaire structure, with the introduction of some new topics. The results of the third edition of the research – presented based on the percentage distribution of responses weighted by the participants’ premium volume – confirm that the integration of ESG criteria is widely adopted among Italian insurance companies, showing a growing trend compared to the previous two editions.
The complete research in Italian is available here.