Homepage - Events - SRI Weeks - Edizione 2021 - 19/11/2021

Methodologies and tools to evaluate the financial impact of climate-related risks and opportunities

Fourth edition of the online conference organised by FEEM during the Italian SRI Week

The demand for disclosure of climate-related risks and opportunities is constantly increasing and firms will have to comply to an additional set of requirements: the EU Taxonomy and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. The identification, assessment, and management of climate-related risks and opportunities is a complex challenge, in particular when it comes to evaluate their financial impact on the company’s activity (and vice versa). For this reason, as it is becoming a priority for firms and investors, think tanks, research centres, and data providers are proposing several tools and approaches to carry out such evaluations.


In this context, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, in collaboration with the Italian Sustainable Investment Forum and Chapter Zero Italy, organised an online conference where high-level international experts will present some of the most interesting methodologies and approaches in this field. The presentations was followed by a virtual round table and a Q&A session to discuss the impact that these assessment methodologies may have on the financial sector and on the companies’ business activities.



Anne-Claire Abadie, Portfolio Manager, SRI and Environmental Specialist, Sycomore Asset Management

Arianna Lovera, Senior Programme Officer, Italian Sustainable Investment Forum (ItaSIF)

Matthieu Maurin, CEO, Iceberg Data Lab

Manuela Mazzoleni, Direttrice Sostenibilità, Assogestioni

Lennart Schweser, Economist, Right. based on science

Ian Stannard, Senior Engagement Manager, Urgetem

Riccardo Tedesco, Advisory ESG Product Specialist, Nordea Investment Funds

Servio Vergalli, Programme Director MET, FEEM


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