Homepage - Eventi - mercoledì 05 Aprile 2017

Water: Risk, Opportunity and Sustainability 2017

La conferenza "Water: Risk, Opportunity and Sustainability 2017" (in lingua inglese) si è svolta il 5 aprile 2017 presso la sede del London Stock Exchange.
Il convegno, promosso dalla rivista Environmental Finance, ha trattato il tema della sicurezza dell'acqua e dell'urgenza di investimenti in infrastrutture, tecnologie e servizi legati all'approvvigionamento idrico di imprese e popolazioni.
Alla conferenza hanno partecipato esponenti di ONG, rappresentanti dell'industria delle forniture idriche, nonché operatori finanziari e agenzie di rating.
Di seguito maggiori informazioni sui contenuti dell’evento.


There is an urgent need for investment in water infrastructure, technology, and services in order to maintain water supply to industries and populations alike. This is the wake-up call for a significant increase in funding for the utilities sector.
Additionally, there is also huge demand for a greater understanding of operational impact of water within corporates and the business strategies required to help mitigate and manage water security in the future.
Water: Risk, Opportunity and Sustainability has been researched and developed for an international audience, which includes heads and directors from the investment sector (pension funds, SWFs, mutual funds etc), water utilities and governments, water engineering and technology providers, sustainability indices and rating agencies.
Situated in the heart of the City of London, the Water: Risk, Opportunity and Sustainability conference will cover the following themes:

  • The importance of water to long-term business sustainability
  • Water security, water stress measurement and business continuity in the future
  • Methods and strategies for investing in water
  • Water risks – The metrics that matter for global investors
  • Water utilities & infrastructure – Assessing funding requirements and financing approaches (including PPP) to meet future demand from business and local communities
  • Water risks in the portfolio – An institutional investor perspective
  • Climate bonds and building water resilience in developing countries
  • Identifying and managing water risks beyond the fence line
  • Investing in water using ETFs and indices
  • Water reporting methodologies and the impact on corporate water stewardship
  • Looking forward to the future – dangers, opportunities and progress

With a geographical focus on corporates and financial institutions based in Europe, it will also appeal to organizations with operations worldwide.



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