Homepage - Projects - 11/12/2021

Permanent Working Group on engagement

Since 2021 the Italian Sustainable Investment Forum organizes a permanent working group on engagement addressed to members. The aim of the project is twofold: on the one side, the objective is to offer members an opportunity to discuss and exchange experiences regarding dialogue with companies invested on sustainability issues. On the other side, the aim is to facilitate the launch of joint initiatives.


One of the main activities of 2021 was the participation in the Italian Sustainability Week organized by Borsa Italiana. The Working Group identified four priority topics of common interest, which were raised in meetings with invested companies: the alignment of emissions reduction to the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTI) standards, the sustainable management of water resources,  just transition, the reduction of gender pay gap. Subsequently, a first collaborative engagement initiative focused on the just transition was launched.

In July 2022 the Italian Sustainable Investment Forum has launched an engagement initiative with its members. During the Italian Sustainability Week promoted by Borsa Italiana (Euronext Group), asset managers and asset owners member of ItaSIF met listed companies, raising 13 ESG topics of common interest. The event took place from 5 to 9 September 2022.

The Working Group continued its activities in 2023 with an engagement initiative with the Italian State, as bond emitter, with the aim of starting a dialogue between investors and the Italian State. During the Italian Sustainability Week promoted by Borsa Italiana (Euronext Group), asset managers and asset owners member of ItaSIF met listed companies, raising many ESG topics of common interest. The event took place from 4 to 8 September 2023.

In 2024, ItaSIF has continued the engagement dialogue with the Italian Institutions. ItaSIF has also realized an online platform dedicated to collaborative engagement initiatives promoted by ItaSIF Members. For further information regarding the pkatform, please contact Arianna Lovera (lovera@finanzasostenibile.it). During the Italian Sustainability Week promoted by Borsa Italiana (Euronext Group), asset managers and asset owners member of ItaSIF met listed companies, raising numerous ESG topics of common interest.

The activity if the Working Group will go on in 2025.


Participation in the Working Group is reserved to ItaSIF Members (more information on membership are available here).


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